Sunday 2 September 2007

Disaggregate Marketing

The shift in focus from brands to customer relationships has radical implications
for several internal processes and structures.

Example: Kraft Foods e-magazine: Foods & Family


Brand Management

Disaggregate Marketing

Organization Structure and Leadership

Managers or teams are assigned to product categories or brands. Product or brand manager.

Managers or teams are assigned to segments of similar consumers. Segment Manager

Key Business Resources

Success is measured by volume of sales, dollar sales, market share and brand or product profitability.

Success is measured by customer-level or segment-level profitability and depth of relationship (share of wallet)

New Product development and innovation

Developing and testing of products based on product-related competencies. Given our resources, what else can we make?

Developing and testing products on the basis of segment needs. What else does this customer segment require? What else can we deliver to them as a part of the complete solution?

Key Brand Management Activities

Brand-led copy development: brand level promotional activities to boost volume or market share; trade marketing support; coordination with advertising agency.

Segment driven cross-promotional opportunities; coordination of communication of multiple brands; integration and presentation of product portfolio as complementary solution set; segment analysis and development on the basis of consumer data.


Focus is on developing marketing skills; branding, message development, agency management.

Focus is on developing knowledge of consumer segment, consumer behaviour, and the data interpretation and management.

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