Tuesday 18 October 2011

Making Money Online: It's Possible

This morning I was listening to the news and it was depressing: unemployment, protests, war – it’s no wonder why I avoid the news.  But for Internet marketers, this is one of the best times in history to make money online.  Thanks to Internet enabled devices and a hunger for online products, information, and expertise, the market has never been better for making a living online.    

I can tell you that most of us who are marketing today didn’t have a lot to start with.  In fact, many of today’s “super affiliates” are young guys in their 20’s and 30’s who started from scratch.

Personally speaking, I’ve had to deal with many of the same obstacles when I first started promoting products and services online as newbies face today.  But with some experience and a good deal of trial and error, you can make small distinctions that can dramatically improve results. I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t be an expert at everything.  As such, I’ve worked hard to build my network or mentors and resources to learn what works and what doesn’t.  Whether you’re connecting with people via an Internet marketing forum, global success club, or mentor network, it’s easier than ever to find people who can help you overcome many of the obstacles associated with being an Internet marketer.  

Generating Profitable Campaigns

If you’re doing any online advertising, it’s incredibly important that you focus on Return On Investment (ROI).  I’ve learned that maximizing ROI is as much about managing expenses as it is generating revenue.  Working with a mentor or someone who’s already running profitable online campaigns can help you improve your results.  This is especially important when you’re just getting started. If you’re barely managing to break even on your campaigns, the best way to turn it around is to model those who are marketing profitably.  The best, and fastest way to do this, is to find a mentor or network of like-minded people who are already getting results.

One of the techniques that I’ve used to generate profitable campaigns is to focus on small niche markets.  A popular mistake that Internet marketers make is trying to be all things to all people.  If you think you’re going to strike it rich with an info product your first time out, you’re mistaken.  I’m not saying it’s possible, but the odds are certainly against you.  There’s a much better chance of earning a profit if you build a house list around a specific topic (ex: piano repair) and have a specific unique offer.  Your mind should naturally be focused on cornering small markets if you want to succeed.  

Another example would be if you’re looking to promote an information product about dating on a small budget.  First you need to make yourself familiar with the niche markets where it would be possible to generate some profit with highly targeted and low volume, campaign.  Those niche markets might be “Single Parent Dating”, “Dating 40+”, etc. …these are all great distinctions that you should be making before you jump the gun and invest countless hours without any positive return.

Learn From Others

Networking with or leveraging the lessons of heavyweight affiliates is the primary key to success for those who are just starting out in online marketing.  If you can’t compete with their large budgets, compete on a smaller scale.  Don’t try to attract the entire market, focus on a small market niche. Focus on the details!  Many of the top-earning marketers don’t have time to focus on these small markets, meaning there is still money to be made.  This is your opportunity to own a small territory that others aren’t able to cover.

It’s important to make every penny count while you’re still dealing with a small budget.  Look for ways to partner with influencers in your niche through products, interviews, and other content that might add value to their websites or blogs.  In my opinion, it’s really no longer possible to fill your boots with overnight riches by going straight for the kill in huge mainstream markets. You need to operate on the borders, obtain profit where the markets aren’t so flooded, and dig deeper to grow your business.  

Not only is it important to grow your business but growing yourself as a person and Internet marketer will ultimately reap huge benefits for your business.  From my personal experience learning from others has helped a great deal.   I encourage you to work with others to improve your knowledge and mindset.  Learn more about entrepreneurial networks at Global Success.

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