Thursday 16 February 2012

Article Marketing Tips for Businesses and Internet Marketers

While article marketing can be a real challenge for internet marketers and online businesses, it is by far the most effective marketing strategy for engaging prospects, improving search engine rankings, and generating website traffic . However, in order for it to be effective, it needs to be done properly. Here are a few article marketing tips that marketers of all levels will find helpful.

The System is Not Flawed

With Google’s recent Panda updates, many internet marketers are starting to think that using keywords throughout their content is not wise. Remember, this system came about as a means for the search engines to find relevant articles for the searcher. The trick is to make sure keywords are used naturally within articles (4 or 5 times is more than enough for a 500 word article). Try to also spend time acquiring quality backlinks and attention through guest blogs and submissions to relevant authority sites, instead of using article blasting software. This is a smarter option to begin with as it means more exposure to your target audience.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of your Own Website

Many people think that for every one article they put on their website, they need five pointing back to it. This will help for difficult-to-rank keywords, but you can still rank well without backlinking. One of the best article marketing tips that should never be overlooked is having hundreds of articles written (as time and budget allow) on relevant keywords and placing them on your website.  This is particularly great if you have a service or product that can be addressed in many different ways.  Remember, you can keep many web pages hidden on your website so they can be picked up the search engines and not damage the look of your website.

Remember your Audience

One question that successful businesses and marketers frequently ask themselves is, “What is my target audience looking for?”  Following on from the previous tip, always keep in mind what your audience is seeking. As a website owner (regardless of your product or service), your aim should be to become an authority within your niche. Try to provide an extensive array of content on your website that is helpful, well written and easy to understand. You need to have a good reason for your audience to find you and keep coming back again and again.

In the world of article marketing, success comes primarily from patience and persistence. People who doubt their strategy are the ones who have the most trouble here. Take time to choose a strategy that has been known to work and stick to it – of all the article marketing tips, this is probably the most important.

Article Marketing Co has been in the content industry for a few years now, but has recently launched a new website in an effort to make ordering and managing content orders as simple as possible. With experienced American writers and editors on staff, and an aim to provide the best articles on the internet at the most affordable prices, this place is definitely worth a visit. For more information, check out  

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