Friday 16 March 2012

How to Install a WordPress Blog

This past week I tried to install WordPress on a new domain via a "quick install" feature on Guess what?  It didn't work.  The good news is that with some back and forth with Godaddy support, I finally got the real instructions.  If you're struggling to install WordPress on a new domain, follow these instructions.

Installing WordPress using Go Daddy Hosting Connection is the easiest way to get WordPress up and running on your domain if it works (it didn't for me).

However, you can install it manually into your shared hosting account using the following instructions.

To accomplish this, you will need the following items:
-A compatible hosting account which supports PHP and MySQL
-Your FTP account login information. This includes the FTP User Name and Password for your hosting account.
-A MySQL Database for WordPress and the Database information.
-The latest version of WordPress which you can download from
    NOTE:This article assumes you already have a compatible hosting account and your FTP login information. If this is not the case, obtain these items and then return to the article.

    The next step is to create a MySQL Database for WordPress.  No one ever told be this about installing WordPress but trust me - this is what gets your installation actually working.  Follow these specific instructions and you'll be up and running in not time.
    -Log in to your Account Manager 
    -Click Web Hosting.
    -Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
    -In the Databases section of the Hosting Control Center, click the MySQL icon.
    -Click Create New Database.
    -Enter a description, WordPress for instance.
    -Enter a user name and password.
    -Specify your MySQL version.
    -Specify whether you want to allow Direct Database Access.
      NOTE: Direct Database Access is a less secure way to manage your hosted databases which most users do not require. If you do not need to access your database remotely, then you should not enable Direct Database Access. For more information, see Why Connect Remotely to Shared Hosting Databases.

      Verify your MySQL database settings. If everything looks OK, click OK. It may take a few minutes to create your database. Click your browser's Refresh button to check if your database is ready.

      Once you have set up a database for your account, you can find your host name information by clicking the Pencil icon next to the name of your database. Note the following items, as they will be needed later in the install process:
        1. Host Name
        2. Database Name
        3. Database User Name
        Now, you need to download the latest version of WordPress from their servers. This can be found at

        -Install WordPress
          Unzip the file from WordPress, and then upload the contents of the WordPress folder to your hosting account using an FTP client. This directory can be stored anywhere in your account, in this example it will be in the root (  NOTE: Do not upload the wordpress folder itself, only its contents.

          Begin the WordPress installation by going to
          -Click Create a Configuration File.
            Click Let's go!

            Complete the following fields, and then click Submit:
              1. Database Name — Enter your database's name.
              2. User Name — Enter your database's name.
              3. Password — Enter your database's password.
              4. Database Host — Enter your database's Host Name.
              5. Table Prefix — Do not modify this field, unless you want to run multiple WordPress installations.
              Click Run the install.

              Complete the on-screen fields for your blog's details, and then click Install WordPress.

              That's it! Your WordPress blog is now installed. For assistance in the set up and maintenance of your blog, see the Getting Started with WordPress page at  Also, be sure to search online for help from people who are experiencing the same issues you might be having with WordPress as a full site or blog.  Happy blogging!

              For help with additional blog resources visit blogdash.

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