Sunday 13 May 2012

Be Part of the Marketing Community

As the SCOOP marketing forum closes in on 5,000 members, I want to reflect on the importance of being part of the marketing community.  Some time ago, I reached out to a fellow, well known marketer, looking to collaborate on a project.  Even though this marketer got back to me, he wasn't very friendly.  In fact, when I asked him if he'd be interested in working together...his response, "I work alone."  

Ouch, that wasn't cool.  No wonder this guy isn't really part of our community.After I got over the fact that this guy was a jerk, I actually felt sorry for him.  Much of my successes in live have come from collaborations and working with others who I respected and met through marketing related communities, activities, or meetings.  My latest book, Blogging Made Simple, was a collaborative effort with a well respected blogger, Justin Freid, and I couldn't have written that book without him.  We are both part of the blogging community and it was our collaboration that made us successful.

My forum, SCOOP Marketing Forum, now one of the fastest growing marketing forums online, was a collaborative effort with a good friend and business partner Dan Murphy.  I never could have imagined that the community we've built would be so amazing!  I also met Dan through Internet marketing. And that's really the purpose of this post - to share with you the possible successes that come from being an active member in a marketing community.

When you engage others, not only can you contribute but you'll learn a great deal and likely make lifelong friends.  So what are you doing to be active in the community?  Are you visiting and actually writing posts on forums? blogs? Interacting through developing content? writing?  The great part about being and integral member of the marketing community is that you never know where it will lead you.

Reach out, get engaged, and you'll see the benefits.  I hope to see you on the SCOOP marketing forum or somewhere else in the community!

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