Monday 18 June 2012

The Secret of Successful Websites

Have you ever visited a website that instantly hooked you and wonder ‘How did they do that?’ Websites are like an art form. Between the necessity of optimizing content for search engines, creating an eye-catching but soothing design, and providing just the right amount of information there is a lot that goes into creating the perfect website. So how do you do it?

Here are a few of the secret components behind every successful website.

1. The messaging and design is instantly compelling – Studies show that visitors only take 8 seconds to form an opinion about your company from your website. With compelling messaging and design, you can hit them with what you want right away, and keep them reading.

2. Navigation is intuitive – You want readers to read what you have to say, so you should make it easy for them to do so. Keep navigation clean and easy to follow so the visitor can easily find the information they are looking for.

3. Use analytics to your advantage – Successful websites are the ones who have tested messages, layouts, and color schemes. Use analytics to find out where your customers are leaving your site and where they are engaging the most. Make small changes, and test again. Keep testing to keep your site current and as optimized for usability as possible.

4. Put videos on your site– Not only does it help your search engine rankings to have videos on your website, but it also gives your visitors more dynamic content to interact with. Videos can be used in a variety of ways from product demos to tidbits of advice on what your industry provides.

5. Create engagement – If a customer likes what you have to offer, they will want to hear more from your company. Create a place for them to follow you on social media, or sign up for a newsletter so you can continue to keep them engaged.

Websites do not have to be overwhelming. Make it easy and engaging and your readers will reward you with more traffic and referrals.

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