Sunday 22 July 2012

5 Effective Strategies to Successful B2B Marketing

B2B marketing is becoming increasingly challenging. In the wake of Google’s algorithm changes, the way we carry out our online marketing has had to change. Where we once relied solely on search engine optimization (SEO) for b2b marketing, we’re now not quite sure how to avoid – or recover from - over-optimization penalties.
Keeping up with the ups and downs of SEO is enough to confuse even the most seasoned marketing manager. But you don’t have to focus solely on optimizing your website. There are other ways you can rise to the top of the SERPs, and gain maximum visibility on the Internet.

5 Strategies for Success 
Targeting your marketing campaigns for other businesses is inherently different to appealing to Joe Public. You need to tailor your content, and improve your call-to-action. But what doesn’t change, is the tactics you can use to promote your services. The key to effective b2b marketing is arming yourself with the right tools, and nailing your campaign. Whether you’re a novice, or not, here are five marketing strategies you should be implementing. And the best thing? None of them rely on SEO:

1. Build a Brand 
If marketers know anything about the World Wide Web, it’s to be wary of who they trust. The aftermath of Penguin and Panda has left b2b bloggers and marketers unsure of where to turn. Where can they find a trustworthy company to do business with? By building a brand identity – one that is then displayed consistently across your website, social media, printed, and other marketing strategies – you instantly become more trusted. A professionally designed website will help you generate more leads, than an outdated, stock design.
Part of building a brand is finding your company’s ‘voice’. Identify what messages you want to put across, and who you’re speaking to. Speaking to businesses in a way that appeals to their wants and needs increases the effectiveness of your strategies. 

2. Content is King 
When it comes to blogging and writing promotional copy for the web, b2b bloggers should be aware that content is well and truly King. Google’s algorithm updates are rewarding sites with quality content, so make sure everything you write is well researched, high quality, and relevant.

Consider your audience again. What do the businesses you’re approaching care about? What are they talking about? And what can you add to this conversation? Writing about something your audience cares about is a sure fire way to drive traffic to your site. Successful b2b marketing is about appealing to your audience. Build conversations, share information, and make sure your voice is heard. Creating quality content doesn’t have to be daunting either. Rework your old content into infographics, videos, and slideshows to appeal to a wider audience. 

3. Direct Mail Marketing

Never underestimate the power of direct mail marketing. This failsafe strategy is alive and kicking, and is perfect for b2b bloggers and marketers. Sending out a personalised postcard, catalogue of products, or letter is a great way to reach out to past clients.
Receiving post is much more personal than an email or Tweet. It gives the impression that more thought and effort has gone into the sending of the letter. Direct mail marketing appeals to b2b marketers, as it helps boost client relationships. Some top tips for b2b direct mail marketing include:
- Keep it personal and address clients by their name 
- Handwrite direct mail or use a font that gives this impression 
- Only send to people who have opted in – you want to increase the chances of your mail shots getting opened

4. Become an Authority 
With so much competition online, effective b2b marketing can be a challenge. One way to face up to this competition is to prove your status as an authority figure. Whatever your nice, you need to showcase your knowledge with quality content. Talk about something relevant to your clients, or offer a controversial opinion to demonstrate your knowledge. Give fellow businesses no other choice but to work with you. Everyone wants to work with the best, so make sure that this is you.

5. (Social) Networking 
While social networking is a powerful tool in b2c marketing, it shouldn’t be ignored in the world of b2b. An active social media presence enables clients to contact you quickly and easily. This adds a human edge to your business and helps clients get to know more about your business.
Not only can you interact with local clients, you can forge relationships with people all over the world. Networking is all about sharing information, so bring your quality content to the fore and help fellow businesses out. This will raise your profile, while adding to the branding of your business.
B2B marketing doesn’t have to be complicated, or reliant on SEO. You can make a name for yourself, build your brand, and increase your client list simply by implementing these strategies. On their own, each is effective. When integrated, they form the most powerful tool in your b2b marketing arsenal.

This guest post has been supplied by Charterprint is a print management company, based in Bromsgrove, UK, and provide bespoke printed envelopes and other printed marketing materials.

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