Wednesday 28 August 2013

5 Brands Who AreTotally Winning at Vine!

Mobile app Vine has taken the video world by storm. Available to iOS and - as of two months ago - Android phones and tablets, more and more people now have access to the snapshot videos. WIth such massive potential reach at stake, it was only a matter of time before brands jumped on the Vine bandwagon. Just as Twitter restricts you to 140 characters, Vine only allows for up to 6 seconds of video, forcing brands to get creative in the way they streamline information. So here are just some of the brands who are totally winning at this Vine thing…

1. French Connection
Stop motion art is a popular format on Vine. So, in a collaboration with photographer Meagan Cignoli, fashion brand French Connection set out to exploit this trend with a series of shareable, summer-themed stop motion videos. In this particular Vine, we see FCUK’s latest collection packed up into a suitcase.

2. Wired
Computer magazine Wired have frequently expressed their love for the video app. They put this love into practice earlier this year, getting staff to upload original & creative content. These ranged from a recount of the most loved Star Wars moments to - as shown below - comedian Fred Armisen receiving a tour of the Wired office from a tiny robot.

3. Urban Outfitters
Another fashion brand next. Urban Outfitters have long been pioneers in creative Vine content amongst fashionistas, using it to promote in-store events, sales and generally just the brand itself. Whilst the video below is not strictly apparel-related, the unexpectedness, entertainment factor and general absurdity makes it completely share-worthy and gets people talking about UO.

4. Brit Awards
A great example of using Vine to build momentum to an event. The Brit Awards for their 2013 ceremony released this Vine with teasing preview snippets and backstage footage. Throughout the night, the account continued to post videos of the ceremony from the audience, giving a sense of what it was like to be there.

5. General Electric
The US conglomerate corporation General Electric are perhaps a more surprising brand to have got all creative with Vine. In attempts to showcase the company as a forward-thinking, innovative and science-based company, the brand released a series of'six second science' Vines which proved incredible engaging and popular. 

Special thanks to Madeleine Hammond, a Marketing Executive at Skeleton Productions, a UK based corporate video production company.

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