Sunday 10 November 2013

Blackberry..A Marketing revival?

A look of the stock graph below, gives only one logical solution; that it is time to get out before one gets erased from the map.

But in a shock to the business community, RIM has decided to back out. BB has not cut itself into pieces and sold itself off to the other competitors waiting to pounce of the valuable R&D that RIM had built up over the years. Maybe a few optimistic consumers might even dream to imagine a revival?

For once RIM could now stop thinking about bailing out on the mobile business & focus forward. Sure the heydays of supremacy might be over (at least for the short run), but the future for no reason need not be bright. Especially with multiple developing nations kicking into the act.

Blackberry's following in the business community was that strong that many Consumers struggled to use the IOS & Android platforms even though they were becoming popular. Then RIM themselves launched quite a few gems in Bold & Torch - but the marketing effort could be rated as 'poor' at best.

Blackberry might have even reacted quite a bit late when the disruptive technologies driving today's smartphones had come along, but react they did on the technology front; but the marketing campaign was a lot left to be desired for. 

The demise as I had indicated in started when RIM according me played their Defensive strategy incorrectly.

Instead of protecting their core faithful, they sprayed around their ammunition to capture the youth - the growing market. It was a matter of time before the fad of Android & IOS became the norm and bulldozed its way through the business community too.

I see no reason to believe that BB as a brand cannot become a powerhouse once again - Addressing the needs of the erstwhile core faithful, who I may add are definitely up for grabs.

Every manager & businessman from Junior levels till top management, crave for a better work management system. Tech cos are constantly trying to address different company needs through technology, but the gap still exists on manaer managing his own time - trying to make himself/herself more efficient. Oh sure there are apps in the market for such stuff, but no dedicated devices - made, built, positioned for business efficiency.

This is where RIM was successful & this is where they should re-enter as a Niche player. Understand that the pie to be captured here is not only the devices & its market share, but the amount of cyclic revenue that the professional crowd brings in.

There are people looking for a Harley Davidson kind of rise from the phoenix, & it is possible if it can be marketed right.

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