Wednesday 8 January 2014

4 Tips to Strengthen your YouTube Presence

Each year YouTube seems to grow in terms of number of videos posted as well as pervasiveness across the web.  This year is no exception.  As content and content development becomes more important in the age of post hummingbird Google updates, optimizing your YouTube channel and videos is absolutely essential.  Here are some tips for improving your YouTube results.

1.               Remember the Branding of your Channel
Get into the mindset of thinking of your YouTube channel as a profile for your brand, or as an extension of your website. You want it to look as sleek and professional as possible, suited to your niche and interests. You need to convince browsers that your content is worth checking and your channel worth subscribing. You always want to optimize your channels SEO. Give your Internet videos titles, tags, closed captions, descriptions etc with rich keywords and phrases for the best chance of turning up on the Page 1 search results of Google and YouTube. 

2.               Interact With the YouTube Community
Whereas Twitter & Facebook lend themselves instantly to communication, most people seem to forget about YouTube’s social features, yet it is one of the easiest ways of establishing a solid presence on the site. These users are just like any other social media user, they enjoy engagement and activity. Comment and Like/Dislike other users content and where possible Friend and Subscriber to their Internet videos. If you have the means to create Video Responses frequently then use that facility to your advantage too. Never underestimate how being an engaged YouTuber can benefit your channel.

3.               Know your Friends
YouTube novices beware: A friend and subscriber are two different things! An overly common pitfall is confusing the two.  A ‘Friend’ is a user who likes you as a contact, someone who enjoys social engagements with you and follows your on site activity. A ‘Friend’ will not want to get inundated with your latest content. A ‘Subscriber’ on the other hand is a user who enjoys just your online video content and have opted to find out about when you have new video content available. Remember to SOCIALISE with friends and to SHARE with your subscribers to ensure a strong YouTube presence in the eyes of both sections of users.

4.               Utilise all Your Social Media Profiles
One of the (many) reasons YouTube is the undisputed ruler of online video is down to it’s ability to integrate itself with the other dominant social medias, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These sites allow you to share your online video content as frequently as you wish and can really benefit your YouTube presence.  Post your content on your Profile, share it on Pages and in Groups that are relevant to your niche and your video content and you and your channel will reap the rewards.

Madeleine Hammond is a marketing executive at Skeleton Productions - one of the UK's leading video production companies.

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