Monday 30 March 2015

#Alive is Offline - Cinthol just doesn't give up

Attempting desperate transformation over the past 3 years & still at it.

Finally a brand with patience, and thus I should say to my liking. Marketers’ write-off their hard work very soon, especially over the last decade, but Cinthol's approach I feel will pay off in the medium run. 

Cinthol made a bold modernization/new launch combination a few years ago, primarily when their back was against the wall. But since then the marketing team at GCPL has pulled off some stunning concepts & campaigns. (Cinthol, Protekt, name a few).

After their original ‘Alive is Awesome’ campaign, sales stagnated & even deteriorated in a few southern markets, but the team kept at it, maybe because they had no choice, or maybe because they were in it for the long haul.
It’s a matter of time before New category entrants, or tweens/teens exercising their with new found purchasing power start enjoying a little Cinthol (without even hopefully knowing its 60 year old legacy) in their lives.

While the original Alive is Awesome campaign broke the clutter on television & at retail with it bold colours, variants, excellent retail visibility solutions etc. – the marketer’s surreal dream didn't pay-off. Sales was slow & the trend was no wear close to being reversed.

Nevertheless coming now phase-2 as I call it of the brand story - #Aliveisoffline.
This is making quite a bit of noise in Social media, as it has struck the perfect cord with every busy corporate jailed 25-30 year old. The irony of the AV trending on Social media, a mild poke at every tweet or post on our timelines. GCPL looks like it has also learnt from its earlier errors of blind ATL bombardment and has still restricted this to Social media only.

Whether Cinthol can shed its harsh erstwhile Red packaging into its more vibrant green, yellow, black, cyan is yet to be seen, but looks like they’ll be at it till they succeed.

Now to the critique: there could be a better integration of the brand 'Cinthol' into the overall theme. Looks like P&G's global fever on the 'cause' has gotten to every marketer. A powerful integration or closure with Cinthol would have maybe scored a few more points.

But nevertheless, a brand soon to be noticed (yet again)...

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