Monday 20 July 2015

Ty Cohen Interview Ranks Number One

Some days, you have an epiphany, that moment when the light bulb goes on and you experience a moment of SEO euphoria.  Sunday was that day!  I realized that all I needed to do for improving the ranking of a recent interview was to share a link on an authoritative site - The Marketing Blog.

Ty Cohen Interview

For those of you who haven't heard of Ty Cohen, he is one of today's leading online marketers.  I met Ty a couple of years ago through a mutual friend and have followed him ever since.  He is the author and publisher of Kindle Cash Flow and other popular products and inspiration to many of us looking to achieve multiple revenue streams and the Internet lifestyle.

Ty Cohen Interview
I was fortunate enough to conduct a Ty Cohen Interview a few months ago and had been working on optimizing the interview for top rankings.  Instead of focusing on the keyword "Ty Cohen", I decided to focus on "Ty Cohen Interview".  This is because sites like YouTube and others already have the top placement for this entrepreneur.

In an effort to get the top spot on search results, I decided to leverage social media in addition to on page optimization techniques. We all know that organic results take time so I gave myself a few weeks of making social media posts to see if I could get a particular web page to the top of search engine results.

In just a few short weeks, I was able to move this page to the number 3 position on Google.  At that point, I decided to give it a slightly bigger boost with some inbound links for high profile sites where I could make updates or direct links.  Boom, the ranking went to #2.

SEO is about Quality Links, Social Media and More...

On Sunday I was doing a little work on my next update to the top-selling book, SEO Made Simple, and had an epiphany - generate more quality links to the page I'm trying to optimize using my own resources.  Whether you know it or not, you have a number of high quality websites at your disposal.  
Whether you have a blog like this one here or a profile on Facebook, there are a number of digital assets at your disposal you can use to give your rankings a boost.  Think about all of the places where you can control information being distributed online and determine how best to use them for improving link authority and website rankings.

For now, I'm glad I realized there are things in my control easily leveraged for top rankings when I need them most.

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