Monday 28 December 2015

Pharmaguy's 2016 New Year's Resolutions for the Pharma Industry

2015 is coming to an end, thankfully. It's not been an especially good year considering that the media and politicians have found a face for evil pharma and rising drug prices: Martin Shkreli!

Shkreli's recent arrest will only heighten pharma's bad press as some people wonder why more pharma CEOs have not been arrested.

Be that as it may, let's look ahead to 2016 and what I recommend as New Year’s Resolutions for the drug industry and especially pharmaceutical marketers. If you're interested in how well my 2015 resolutions fared, go here.

My #1 personal New Year's Resolution is the same every year:

Stop telling the pharmaceutical industry what to do all the time. Unfortunately, I have never kept that resolution. So, here's my recommended list of 2016 resolutions for pharma...

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