Monday 11 January 2016

A 10,000 Character Limit Won't Solve Pharma's Twitter "Problem"

Doug Weinbrenner, senior director of social media at marketing firm Intouch Solutions, suggests that Twitter's plan to extend its 140-character limit to 10,000 will put the platform "back into [pharma marketers'] consideration set" because marketers are stymied by FDA regulations requiring important safety information (i.e., side effects) to fit in a 140-character Rx-branded tweet (see here).

He thinks this will be "revolutionary" for pharma marketers: "Twitter revolutionizing the platform is probably one of the biggest things that happened in social media over the last year, and there's a considerable amount of interest in us being at the forefront of social pharma," he said.

But there's one possible fly in the ointment that will continue to stymie pharma marketers.

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