Tuesday 27 November 2007

CMO Thought Leaders: A Snapshot

The book explores how leading marketers are grappling with and surmounting the challenges of heightened customization demands, fragmentation of media and markets, growing pressure for returns on marketing investments, and other crucial issues.

Key Challenges

What the CMOs Are Talking About

Put the Consumer

at the Heart of


􀀗Knowing what consumers are actually

thinking & doing

􀀗Changing research and knowledge

management practices

􀀗Transitioning the mind-set of a whole


“HP knows the top 10 factors that drive

customer loyalty, and it measures them

constantly. Corporate marketing can

then go back to each business and say,

‘Here’s where you’re falling behind in

terms of the customer experience you’re

providing, and here’s how it relates to

market share and margin growth.’”

-- Cathy Lyons, CMO Hewlett-Packard




􀀗Marketing accountability on two levels

􀀗ROI metrics and the marketing


􀀗Measuring the impact of new media

􀀗Developing the measurement capability

“The most important thing that’s changed in

the last 10 years is measurability of what

we do… New channels are regularly

emerging that allow us to understand what

it is we’re doing as it related to acceptability

with the marketplace. And we can do it

with much faster turnaround.”

- John Hayes, CMO, American Express

Embrace the

Challenges of

New Media

􀀗Openness to experimentation

􀀗Balancing the new and the old

􀀗Pull vs. push

“ …consumers are in control. It’s more than

just click the remote capabilities or the ability

to do a browse/search on the Internet.

Consumers are telling us that they want to

be in control of the storytelling. And as part

of that desire, they want to engage in

advertising in different ways.”

- Beth Comstock, President, Integrated

Media, NBC Universal

Live a New



􀀗Identifying the right agency partners to

meet marketing’s needs

􀀗Creating a new kind of partnership

between marketers and agencies

􀀗Balancing cooperation and competition

to get the best ideas

“[Agencies] need to get more integrated.

They need to collapse structures. They

need to go digital. Those that are making

those changes are turning away

business. Those that haven’t adjusted

are struggling.”

- Jim Stengel, Global Mktg Officer, P&G

Recognize the New



􀀗Balancing generalist and

specialist skills

􀀗Driving the training agenda

􀀗Integrating with other functions

“ In marketing, you need to use both halves

of your brain…You need to have the

analytics. You also need to have the

intuition. And you have to be quite flexible

at using and leveraging both parts of your


- Rob Malcolm, CMO, Diageo



􀀗Making adaptability an inherent part of the

marketing agenda

􀀗Raising senior leadership awareness of

issues and implications

􀀗Driving marketing as an integral,

integrated part of the enterprise

“ I’ve never worked for the same

company for more than two years in a

row, because FedEx keeps changing.

We have new marketing challenges

every day.”

- Mike Glenn, CMO, FedEx

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