Saturday 24 November 2007


GRP (short for Gross Rating Point) is the sum of ratings achieved by a specific media vehicle or schedule. It represents the percentage of the target audience reached by an advertisement. If the advertisement appears more than once, the GRP figure represents the sum of each individual GRP. In the case of a TV advertisement that is aired 5 times reaching 50% of the target audience, it would have 250 GRP = 5 x 50% -- ie, GRPs = frequency x % reach.

A Target Rating Point (TRP) is a measure of the purchased target rating points representing an estimate of the component of the target audience within the gross audience. Similar to GRP (short for Gross Rating Point) it is measured as the sum of ratings achieved by a specific media vehicle of the target audience reached by an advertisement. For example, if an advertisement appears more than once, reaching the entire gross audience, the TRP figure represents the sum of each individual GRP multiplied by the estimated target audience in the gross audience.

In the case of a TV advertisement that is aired 5 times reaching 50% of the gross audience with only 60% in the target audience, it would have 250 GRPs (= 5 x 50%) -- ie, GRPs = reach x frequency and 150 TRPs (=250 x 60%).

Both of these metrics are critical components to determine the marketing effectiveness of a particular advertisement.

Here is a link towards a more detiled outlook on an entire Media Plan.

More to come on these topics in detail soon..

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