Thursday 15 January 2015

"Innovative" Pharma Marketing Is Not Viral

Several recent articles and blog posts have claimed there is a lack of "Innovation" among pharma marketers who are afraid to "rock the boat."

World of DTC Marketing blogger Rich Meyer, for example, blames pharma’s “conservative” legal/regulatory people for preventing DTC marketers from being more innovative. He would like to see pharma marketers focus more on innovative digital and social media channels. But pharma marketers are afraid to do that because there is less guidance from the FDA and thus more chance that they will inadvertently run afoul of the regulators (read "2014 was a Good Year for FDA & Pharma").

Another consultant - Mark Schnurman, founding partner of Filament - writing in a MM&M article, advises agency people to "try new ideas" and "find a backdoor through which you can let your risky idea see the light of day." Mr. Schnurman cited K-Mart's viral “ship my pants” campaign as an example of a risky idea that saw the light of day and succeeded.

First of all, isn't K-Mart dead in the water? Bad case study, Mark. But there's another reason why the "ship my pants" campaign is a bad example for pharma marketers to follow and it has nothing to do with regulations.

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