Saturday 15 August 2015

Viagra or Addyi: Which Sexy TV Ad Will Reign Supreme with Guys?

If you are half the man you claim to be, you no doubt have NOT skipped over the new Viagra TV ads, which feature a sexy woman  telling you not to worry about your erectile dysfunction – it’s more common than you think. Just pop a Viagra pill and you’re ready to go. Meanwhile, she’ll be waiting for you for a happy ending.

Soon, however, these Pfizer full bore sex ads will have competition from Sprout Pharmaceuticals, a small drug company located in Raleigh, NC.

As many media stories proclaim, Sprout Pharmaceuticals is a drug company with a potentially very big drug – “the world’s first pill to boost women’s sex drive.” It’s called Addyi (pronounced “addie”), which, according to Sprout CEO Cindy Whitehead (shown here holding Addyi pills in her hand), is “our representation of Everywoman,” whatever that means!

The FDA will soon announce whether or not it has approved Addyi, which the company plans to market as the “little pink pill.” The agency has rejected the drug twice in the past five years because of questions about its safety and effectiveness.

According to this media story, Whitehead assures that “Addyi is not meant to be prescribed to women looking for a little extra pizazz, or women who are bored with their husbands.” Yeah, right.

Sprout is said to have promised the FDA that it won’t run TV ads for 18 months. What will it do before then to market the drug, if approved. And what will those TV ads look like?

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