Monday 29 December 2014

2015 New Year's Resolutions for Pharma Marketers

My #1 New Year's Resolution is the same every year: 

Stop telling pharmaceutical marketers what to do all the time.

Unfortunately, I have never kept that resolution. So, here's my list of 2015 resolutions for pharma marketers:

1. Forget about using Twitter to promote brand name drugs to consumers.

Although most pharma marketers know that it is impossible to "fit a square peg in a round hole," they still want to believe it is possible to "fit" all the FDA-required important safety information in a branded Rx tweet as long as they can convince the FDA to sanction the "one-click rule."

Granted, in the past the FDA has itself used this rule in its own tweets about Rx drugs. But it no longer does that and PhRMA's argument that "what's good for the goose is also good for the gander" (see "Drug Industry Rips Into FDA Over Social Media Guidelines") just won't sway the Agency, IMHO. So let's just call the whole thing off and get on with using Twitter for more meaningful dialogues with stakeholders; e.g., tweet chats (see "OMG! AstraZeneca Hosts Twitter Chat & World Does NOT End!" and "How to Host a Successful Pharma TweetChat").

I have a few more.

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