Saturday 13 December 2014

Back to the Future of Mobile Health Apps with Professor SYRUM's Nephew

There is no more cherished and insulting image of a scientist/researcher than the "mad scientist" persona often depicted in cartoons.

A case in point is "Professor SYRUM" from Boehringer's EU-only Facebook game of the same name (see "Happy Holidays from Professor Syrum"). That's him on the near left.

Recently, I became acquainted with an unnamed scientist (physician? pharmacist?) in an animated piece produced by IMS Health to promote its new mobile health app review program (see "Is IMS Health's Mobile Health App 'Certification' Program Doomed to #FAIL?"). That's him on the far left of the image shown above. Let's call him "Doctor IMS."

Do you see the similarities between Professor SYRUM and Doctor IMS? Read on to learn my theory about how they are related.

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