Wednesday 4 February 2015

Shire & Seles Team up in B.E.D. to Promote Vyvanse. Celebrity Endorsement at Its Worst!

OMG! Is there nothing old athletes won't do for money?

Remember Monica Seles who was famously stabbed on the tennis court in 1993? No? OK, whatever. She's celebrity enough to hawk for Shire, which recently won PRIORITY approval from the FDA for a new indication for Vyvanse, it's ADHD drug:

Binge Eating Disorder or B.E.D.

According to Seles & Shire, which is hosting the website ("A Resource for Understanding B.E.D. in Adults"):

"Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.) is not just overeating. It is a real medical condition [my emphasis] that was formally recognized in 2013. B.E.D. is the most common eating disorder among US adults."

How many times have you heard the phrase "It is a real medical condition" before? Aside from Seles & Shire, who says B.E.D. is a real medical condition? Who "formally recognized" it in 2013 (just in time for Shire to ask for FDA approval)?

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