Saturday 9 May 2015

#Pharma Must Be Social Media Brave & Fast Says Becky Canvin at Ogilvy HealthWorld

"How can the pharma and healthcare industry thrill on social media?"

That's a question Rebecca Canvin (@BeckyCanvin), Social Media Manager at Ogilvy Healthworld, attempted to answer in a guest column (here).

"Over the past few years the myth that pharma companies can’t use social media has been unravelled and conversations now focus on ‘how can pharma do social?’," writes Becky. "This movement brings about unique challenges, but one thing is for certain – as more companies recognise the importance of social media it’s time for pharma to be brave and take their conversations to the next level."

Becky recommends that pharma can do this by "getting the basics right" such as "having online conversations and engaging appropriately instead of just pushing out content on social networks" and "move fast when they receive comments online," which, to me, seems very sensible advice to follow.

Becky cites at least two pharmaceutical companies that seem to be getting these basics right according to results of her company's 2014 "Connecting the Dots" survey. Some pharma pundits, however, implied that Becky is a "young, inexperienced digital" person who "[spent] a lot of money without showing needed results."

Continue reading to find out which pharma companies are getting it right and who dissed Becky!

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