Tuesday 12 May 2015

WANTED: Pharma Mobile Pioneers

For the past few years I have been following and reporting on mobile health initiatives, campaigns, and apps developed by pharmaceutical companies. I've collected these articles, blog posts, and podcasts in one BIG compendium: the Pharma Mobile & mHealth Reprint Catalog (FREE!).

A few pharma mobile initiatives are good, many are not so good, and a few are just awful and potentially dangerous such as a physician diagnosis mobile app recalled by Pfizer (read "The First Ever 'Dear Doctor' Letter Regarding a Mobile Medical App Recall").

Regardless of the results, I believe it is important to recognize the pioneers within the pharmaceutical industry who are leading the way in developing mobile solutions for physicians and/or patients. That's why I am expanding the scope of my annual PharmaGuy Social Media Pioneer Award to include Mobile as well.

Here's how you can help me in my quest for Pharma Mobile Pioneers.

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