Friday 6 November 2015

AMA #AHealthierNation Tweet Chat: How to Get Physicians Involved in Development of Digital Tools

Yesterday, while trolling my Twitter streams for content, I happened upon #AHealthierNation chat sponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA). According to AMA's promo page (here):

"The potential impact of digital technology on health care is undeniable. Our tweet chat examined the role physicians should play in shaping the future of digital medicine and how new innovations can enhance workflow and expand the physician-patient relationship."

According to symplur analytics, the chat included over 100 participants, more than 500 tweets, and 22.4 million impressions! I was responsible for 10 tweets, which garnered 239,000 impressions.

Seven questions were up for discussion:
  1. How do you get physicians involved in the development of tools for digital medicine?
  2. Not everyone can be an inventor, so where do physician feedback opportunities exist?
  3. Have too many digital solutions overlooked the basics of a physician's workflow and the need to create efficiencies?
  4. With user-centered design, what are the biggest challenges for two very different users: physicians and patients?
  5. For a patient, what does engagement look like? How has the attention around wearables figured into that definition?
  6. What are the obstacles that must be addressed for wearable to receive broader physician adoption?
  7. What do we need to learn to make digital health/medicine a success in the future?
Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 generated the most discussion. Here's my synopsis/review (see the complete #AHealthierNation tweet timeline embedded at the end of this post).

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