Thursday 5 November 2015

Is Martin Shkreli a Psychopath?

Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, is a former hedge fund manager who has become the public face of the drug pricing controversy after his company raised the price of the anti-infection drug Daraprim by more than 5,000 percent.

Now the Senate’s special committee on aging requested documents and information from Turing and invited Shkreli to testify.

Shkreli taunted politicians on Tweeter days before the Senate invite, saying he was "In DC. If any politicians want to start, come at me" (read "Senate Invites Turing CEO Shkreli to Visit. Just What He Wanted!") - a taunt typical of a Psychopath. Indeed, Shkreli has been called a "morally bankrupt sociopath," a "greedy sociopath," a "sociopathic bounty hunter," and an "evil sociopathic asshole."

I don't think Shkreli is a sociopath - I think he better fits the profile of a psychopath. To find out, I took a PsychCentral "Psychopathy Quiz" posing as Shkreli and supplying answers I thought indicative of his behavior. So, how did he score?

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