Wednesday 24 October 2007

JWT Creative Brief

The JWT creative brief can be used to assess any advertisement (TV/Print etc.)

1. What is the Opportunity and/or Problem which the advertising must address?

A brief summary of why you are advertising. Take the consumer’s point of view, not “sales are down,” but, rather “consumers are choosing cheaper alternatives.”

2. What do we want people to do as a result of the advertising?

3. Who are we talking to?
Try to develop a rich description of the Target Group.
Indicate their beliefs and feelings about the category.
Avoid demographic information only. Add personality and lifestyle dimensions.

4. What is the Key Response we want from the advertising??
“State succinctly, what single thing do we want people to feel or notice or believe as a result of advertising.”

5. What information/attributes might help produce this response?
It could be a key product attribute, a key user need which the brand fulfills, etc.
Avoid a laundry list.

6. What aspect of the Brand Personality should the advertising express?

7. Are there any media or budget considerations?

8. Any additional information that might affect the creative direction.
“Feel free to use a visual summary, a picture, drawing or any object which aids in understanding the nature of the brief.”

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